I.TER.M. Srl | Somma Lombardo

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What we do

Plant section


with design technical assistance and implementation of:

  • Recovery facilities and thermal fluid heating with renewable energy;
  • Systems to reduce pollutants;
  • Technological systems for the treatment of water softening or demineralization, purification and distribution to use;
  • Heating systems: Heating Plants complete, thermostat, heating units for various uses thermal oil, water, steam. Distribution and/or control steam, thermal oil, water, oil, water or liquid or gas cooling. Heat exchange with plate heat exchangers or shell and tube, mixing.
  • Distribution systems for products chemical and/or colors;
  • Interception systems, reduction, distribution and technical combustible gases;
  • Air systems, air smoky and aggressive gas;
  • Firefighting equipment above ground or underground with columns, boxes with hose, sprinkler or wet or dry;
  • Pipes plastic or metal with coated.


Mechanical section

  • Assembly and disassembly textile machinery, machinery for the chemical industry, machinery for the food industry;
  • Manufacture and assembly of tanks, manifolds for water, gas steam and hot oil;
  • Construction and repair of cylinders, gears and transmission components for machines and production process;
  • Design, construction and installation of carpentry and metal structures;
  • Sheet metal duct, hoods ad shelters;
  • Construction and repair it batteries for heat exchange.


In addition to development and implementation of the above, we have set up the service, the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, supply of spare parts and after-sales services.